Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday Five - Personal Maps

Today's Friday Five is all about looking at your life as though it is a map. Although I've looked at my life through lots of lenses and I'm typically an "image" person (especially if I can attach a story to the image) but this is a new one for me. However, given that I currently have a special attachment to the Voyage of the Dawn Treader movie and watch way too much Jake and the Neverland Pirates with my little buddy, I'm kind of digging the idea of my life as a map.

1. What is beyond your boundaries? - I really hope it is a wild and unexplored country known as "motherhood"

2. What are the cities or neighborhoods that need "redevelopment" or attention? - I definitely need to be more active. I'm not going to be hanging out with my little buddy anymore after next week which is going to be hard, but it's also a good opportunity for me to pay attention to myself in a way that I had intended to when I entered my "Season of Sabbath."

3. What are the verdant valleys? - My professional life finally feels alive and full of promise. I'm excited and hopeful and waiting to see what is going to pop up and move in! I know that I've planted a few seeds, but I also know that God has planted a few too!

4. Where are the deserts? - One thing I have learned is that, sometimes, on a map and even from a distance a desert looks barren and lonely and dead. However, when you are in the middle of it, you see that it is actually full of life and growth that is unique to that environment. That is definitely the way I see my past, particularly all the challenge and loss I have endured. From a distance, it's not pretty. But it's still rich and full of life that is unique to that environment. And once you've been there, you never forget it!

5. Where is the hidden treasure? - Well I can't tell you that now can I? Really and truly, I'm not sure. I've spent a lot of time digging for treasure in places where I thought it should be. Sometimes I find something and sometimes I don't, but it's rarely what I expect. At this point in my life, I would much rather enjoy simply exploring and then enjoy the spoils if I stumble on an X or a happy surprise.

Bonus: What is the coolest place you've ever been on the globe? - While not "cool" in the sense that it's exotic, I have really loved my trips to England and can't wait to go back for my birthday!


  1. I so agree with you on deserts and the abundant life they bear, often in surprising ways. Have fun in England again!

  2. hehe now I have the song to Jake and the Neverland Pirates stuck in my head...

    Neat concept, looking at your life as if a map :)
