Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Forgotten Cookies

I'm still working on remembering to take "start to finish" pictures of recipes. I remembered about halfway through this one.

Forgotten cookies are one that my mom used to make and I loved. I still love them, but have never made them before. I am not entirely sure why. Anywho, I decided our open house was the perfect chance to make them.

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Just let it go and heat.

Beat 2 XL egg whites (or 3 med to large) until stiff. Then beat in 3/4 cup sugar and 1/8 tsp salt and 1 Tbsp vanilla. Make sure it's very well mixed. Then FOLD in about half a package of chocolate chips and 3/4 cup chopped pecans (you can leave these out and just use the whole pack of chocolate chips if you want or mix in anything else you might like)

This is what it looks when it's all mixed together.

Now, drop spoon fulls onto two parchment lined cookie sheets. See?
Now, this step is very important - TURN THE OVEN OFF!

Put your cookie sheets into the oven and walk away. Don't peek, don't turn the oven back on, just walk away.

Leave the cookies in the oven until it's completely cold. Overnight is best. The cookies shouldn't be brown, and really shouldn't look that different than when you put them in, but they are cooked, I promise. This is what the finished cookies look like.

The are light and sweet and fabulous. Go ahead and have one for breakfast. You deserve a reward for being so patient!

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