For the most part, I'm pretty easy to please. But there are a few things that I can't live without. These are my favorite things that I think make my world a better place

Background Noise - some people like having music on while they work or study or hang out. I prefer dialogue. Even when I drive, I usually have TV episodes playing on my iPod or spoken comedy. Even as a kid, I preferred books on tape to music when I was going to bed. My current entertainment of choice is my Angels & Demons DVD. I probably watch as much of the special features as I do the actual movie. This is precisely why my collection of music is pretty pitiful but I own every episode of Grey's Anatomy!

Kleenex - I must have some sort of chronic sinus and/or allergy thing because I always have a runny nose and am sneezing at something. It also doesn't help that it really doesn't take much to make me cry. I like having tissues and/or napkins with me at all times.

Pens - I always have to have a pen with me. I usually carry several. These are my current favorites because they are felt tip, write easily, are easy to read, but don't bleed through paper or smear easily. I only have black, blue, red, and green but they make them in lots of colors. I'd love to have them all.
What are some of your favorite things that you can't stand to live without?
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